Woo! Check out that sexilicious dress! Me-ow! It makes wish I was a girl! Haha, oh I kid...or do I? You may never know! I stumbled across this jewel of a shop earlier today and fell in love the clothing that Emily, Dismantled Fashions's owner, had there. (Especially, the dress shown above!)
And I know what you must be thinking, "Why is Jonathan looking at dresses?" Well, boys and girls, I have something I need to come clean about...haha, just kidding! Truthfully though, I enjoy rummaging through the poo pile of the internet to find rare, beautiful gems. In this case, I was in search of cute clothing opinions for Kateri and it just so happened that today was my day to write a new post. Und, viola! Dismantled Fashions appeared like a breath of fresh air!
I could probably spend all day talking about how much I love Dismantled Fashions, but I'll spare everyone my mad rambling! Be sure to check out Emily's shop! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5265457
Have a great day!
*NOTE* The image above is the property of Dismantled Fashions.
That was an awesome post! Thank you so much for all the awesome words :)
Oh, not a problem at all! I felt I couldn't say enough! ^-^
I am such a fan of her shop, glad to see her on here!
Yeah, she has such great pieces! Like I said, sometimes I wish I was girl... Guys NEVER get awesome clothing! haha.
Good find i favorited one of those pencil skirts iv been trying to find the perfect retro one score! lol
Thanks, I always try to bring everyone something unique and fun! :)
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